Friday, March 26, 2010

Pre-Order iPaad

Pre-Order iPaad


iPaad is the middle between the iPhone and with regular Notebook. From the screen of all programs, we will see that it has more features than on the mobile phone version. I think this iPaad is make to not a iPhone and not a Notebook so, WHAT IT IS ?

The question has comes immediately. Take into fact what we carry? Already have mobile phones. But another piece of equipment should be same as iPad or Notebook? If any of the iPad was not adequate to the needs. Notebook must carry another device with them wherever they please? IPad or a "piece of equipment at three" behind other than read for pleasure at the bed at home. What times do not work hard any other trouble only Apple would have know this answer.

Feature that I am interested in is the terms of technology iBooks still has nothing difference from the Kindle, but the point is a measure of success. Apple iTunes Store will rely on their own to hold and then. How well the book sold. (Especially when competing with the Kindle)

Price was a selling point to the most important version of the iPad. The bottom was considered significant. But I think I may need to look at more than to 3G version (To connect to internet anytime, anywhere). Calculate the total price is required plus a 3G service, I go with that version of the most interesting is 16GB +3 G at $ 629.

iPad Video Quality

I think the video quality of this iPad will be so great with it bigger screen, it can make me watching my video and movie more easy with it bigger size screen. I know that it have design to play on a HD video so I think I can use this iPad to watch movie at anywhere and anytimes I want.
iPad Sound Quality

I like to listen the songs, so I think this iPad will be a great to use to listen the sound anywhere. With it built-in speaker, I can listen it without use any of headset but maybe sometimes I will have to use headset or wireless bluetooth if I want to be listen a songs in privately. In order that I can listen a new song by download it from iTune, so I can listen a new songs at anywhere anytime I want.
iPad Safari

With iPad Safari, I can go to anywhere and use safari to see the world wire new in the world. With a New York Times News supports to the iPad and its bigger screen size than iPhone, I can read the news more easily it will be like I have a newspaper all the time and that it ! the picture in iPad in the news of New York Times will have a movement... Yeah if you ever watch the Harry Potter Movies it should be like that !
iPad Photos

I don't like to take a photo much. But anyway I have a many picture of me and my family so this iPad should be the electronic photo album for me. With its iPad feature it should be like a bigger iPhone, so I can spin or play with my photos as I want or painting my photos with its bigger screen size.
iPad iBook

Yeah, I think this is the most interesting of iPad with iPad design like book easy to hand on with one hand it should be like a computer books. iBook that made for shop many books that have, so I can always find my book that I want to read at anywhere and anytime I want with the iBook without walking to the Book Store.
To Pre-Order iPad Please Visit here

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